Am 07. Mai war ich zu Gast bei der Harvard Universität. Zusammen mit Christiane Taubira, ehemalige französische Justizministerin von 2012-2016, haben wir über antirassistisches Arbeiten in der Politik gesprochen.
Hier könnt ihr den dazugehörigen Artikel auf Englisch lesen.
Hier ein Auszug:
„A few audience members asked about the rise of far-right politics in Europe and the attendant Islamophobia in addition to anti-Black racism. Touré responded that this movement was at first overlooked in Germany, and this was largely responsible for her own entry into politics. “The moment when I decided was when I saw in Germany that a lot of right-wing parties entered the parliament on different levels. I was deeply scared about it. … This is why I said we need a grown-up conversation because if we do not educate ourselves about it, we will not be able to fight it,” she said.““